No. |
Judul(1) | Nama-nama Dosen | Dihasilkan/ Dipublikasikan Pada | Tahun Penyajian/ Publikasi | Nama Lembaga Sitasi(2) | Tingkat (3) | ||
Lokal | Nasional |
Internasional |
1 |
Al-Qur’an dan Modernitas (Pergeseran Paradigma Pemahaman Al-Qur’an) | Dr. H. Abu Anwar, M.Ag. | Jurnal Al-Fikra |
2017 |
V |
2 |
Karakteristik Pendidikan dan Unsur-Unsur Kelembagaan di Pesantren | Dr. H. Abu Anwar, M.Ag. | POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam |
2016 |
GS, Moraref, Sinta, Garuda, Crossref, DOAJ |
V |
3 |
Management of Madrasa: An Overview on Principals’ Managerial Skills, Supervisors’ Coaching Quality and Teachers’ Performance | Dr. H. Abu Anwar, M.Ag. | Jurnal Pendidikan Islam |
2018 |
DOAJ, ISJD, Crossref, GS, Moraref, IPI, citeulike, Academic Resource Index, Sinta |
V |
4 |
Trend Tema Penelitian Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia FTK UIN SUSKA Riau (2006-2017): Sebuah Kajian Kasus | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Journal of Natural Science and Integration |
2018 |
GS |
V |
5 |
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Blog Untuk Mata Pelajaran Sains | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri |
2017 |
V |
6 |
Integrasi Keilmuan Sains Dan Islam Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Rumpun IPA | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri |
2017 |
V |
7 |
Bioetnomelayu Course: A Reflection | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Jurnal Sosial Budaya |
2018 |
GS, Moraref, DOAJ, Sinta, neliti, Garuda, ROAD, |
V |
8 |
Profesionalisme Guru di MA dan SMA: Sebuah Pandangan | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Jurnal EDUSAINS |
2018 |
DOAJ, GS, IPI, OneSearch |
V |
9 |
BIOMIND Module: A Quality Teaching and Assessment Media | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST) |
2018 |
DOAJ, EBSCO, GS, Crossref, IndexCopernicus, Sinta, IPI, PKP Index, ISJD, OneSearch, Harvard Library, University of Oxford, Sherpa, UL, Boston University, US, OAJI, neliti, BASE, ROAD, Garuda |
V |
10 |
Simple Additive Weighting as Decision Support System for Determining Employees Salary | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | International Journal of Engineering & Technology |
2018 |
SCOPUS, ProQuest, DOAJ, SWB, ZDB, WZB, JournalTOCs, WorldCat, BASE, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, UDL, getCITED, Computer Science Directory, Electronic Journals Library, Issuu,, NewJour, Academic Keys, Science Central, GS, Serials Solutions, Research GATE, DRJI, JadounScience, Open J-Gate |
V |
11 |
Education of Local Wisdom To Prevent Forest Fires In Riau Province: Challenges, Potentials, and Solutions | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Jurnal Sosial Budaya |
2017 |
GS, Moraref, DOAJ, Sinta, neliti, Garuda, ROAD, |
V |
12 |
Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Kimia Materi Koloid Terintegrasi Nilai-nilai Keislaman: Studi Literatur | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri |
2017 |
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13 |
Studi Literatur Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Masalah Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Menggunakan Laboratorium Virtual | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri |
2017 |
V |
14 |
Pengembangan Media Power Point Terintegrasi Imtaq pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri |
2017 |
V |
15 |
BIOMIND Portal for Developing 21st Century Skills and Overcoming Students’ Misconception in Biology Subject | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) |
2015 |
ProQuest, ACM DL, Australian Education Index, Burrell`s Media Directory, Cabell`s Directory, EBSCO, GetCited, ERIC, GS, JournalTOCs, LISA, MediaFinder, NSD, Scopus, Enggineeirng Village, INSPEC |
V |
16 |
Pengembangan Keterampilan Berfikir Iventif Pada Siswa Dalam Program Kelas Inspirasi | Dr. Rian Vebrianto, M.Pd. | Proceeding: 7th International Seminar on Regional Education |
2015 |
V |
17 |
Peran Orang Tua Dalam Membina Karakter Anak Shaleh Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Masyarakat Madani Menuju Visi Riau 2020 | Dr. Hj. Nurhasanah Bakhtiar, M.Ag. | Jurnal Sosial Budaya |
2016 |
DOAJ, Google Schoolar, Moraref, Sinta, Garuda, neliti, and ROAD. |
V |
18 |
Benarkah Dosa Turunan Itu Ada? Gambaran Relasi Romantis Anak Yang Terpapar Kekerasan Dalam Perspektif Psikologi dan Islam | Dr. Hj. Nurhasanah Bakhtiar, M.Ag. | Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender |
2017 |
DOAJ, Crossref, GoogleScholar, Moraref, Garuda, IPI, WorldCat, sinta, OneSearch, ISJD |
V |
19 |
Manusia Menurut Konsep Al-Qur`an dan Sains | Dr. Hj. Nurhasanah Bakhtiar, M.Ag. | Journal of Natural Science and Integration |
2018 |
GoogleScholar |
V |
20 |
Pesantren Manhaj Salafi: Model Baru Sistem Pendidikan Islam | Dr. Hj. Nurhasanah Bakhtiar, M.Ag. | Proceding The 1st International Conference on Islamic Education |
2016 |
GoogleScholar |
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21 |
Model pembelajarn PAIBarbasis Integrasi di Perguruan Tinggi Umum | Dr. Hj. Nurhasanah Bakhtiar, M.Ag. | Proceding The 2 International Conference on Teacher Education |
2017 |
GoogleScholar |
V |